Liver Cleanse
Maximize your detox efforts by leveraging your liver’s natural cleansing ability. By supporting its function with specifically chosen herbs and adding the unique toxin-binding properties of BioActive Carbons, you’ll help maximize detoxification as well as protection of this vital organ. Minerals will also help upregulate cellular metabolism in your liver to further enhance the cleansing process.
Biotoxin Binder
One of the three binders that Dr. Jess rotates all her patients through! It is one of the more gentle of Cell Cores Binders and is a good place to start. The advantages of Cell Core’s binders is they can be taken with other foods and supplements unlike other comparable products.
CT Minerals is a liquid mineral supplement, derived from humic/fulvic acid, which has dual purposes of supporting adequate mineral levels as well as supporting drainage and clearing of waste/toxic accumulation in the system.
KL Support
KL Support is a wonderful drainage support, it has nutrients and herbs that support the function of the kidneys and liver. This product is both protective to the kidneys and liver, and enhances drainage through these pathways!
ViRadChem Binder
One of the three binders Dr. Jess rotates all of her clients through! This one targets viral pathogens and radiation. Dr. Jess takes this after fights.