The protocol created by Dr. Jess named, *Kill, Bind, Sweat* is a logical second step in the healing journey. Remember the first step is always drainage, nervous system regulation, and trauma work followed by protocols like mold, leaky gut, or this protocol, Kill Bind Sweat.
This protocol is for those with mold illness, CIRS, Lyme, parasites (does not work well on intracellular protozoan parasites), SIBO/SIFO, fungus, stagnant lymph and mitochondria, or other stealth infections. It also works in times of acute illness. “Kill” is the process of introducing “killing” agents or biofilm busters to the body so that the immune system can recognize any pathogens or hidden infections hiding in the body. Once the immune system recognizes these intruders and they begin to be broken up and circulated throughout the body, binders are added to bond with these pathogens and their toxic byproducts so that they can be removed via the body’s detox pathways. That is why having your drainage and detox pathways open is imperative. Sweating is a major drainage pathway and sweating daily benefits our healing.
Caution with the IR Sauna if you have breast implants, POTS, palpitations, or other contraindications for getting into a sauna.