The protocol is a logical second step in the healing journey. Remember the first step is always drainage, nervous system regulation, and trauma work, followed by protocols like mold, leaky gut, Lyme, heavy metals, or this protocol, Parasites.
Much of what we know and understand about this very stealthy pathogen is few and far between and we don’t have great tests to detect them. They cause a variety of vague symptoms and are more common in industrialized nations than realized. 70-80% of people will have a parasite in their lifetime. Rectal itching? Digestive issues? Lactose intolerance? Look to parasites as a cause!
Studies indicate that parasites and viruses have a symbiotic relationship that we don’t fully understand. Many parasites also act as a holding tank for heavy metals as well. This is why we start detoxing parasites first after our drainage is prepped and ready.
The goal of this protocol is to form a logical working understanding of both of these pathogens and how they affect human health.