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Dr. Jessica Peatross
Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker. @drjessmd
Dr. John Kim
Functional medicine & preventative health. Compounding pharmacist. Pharm.D., FAARFM.
Part two is back! Dr. John Kim, the integrative pharmacist, was such a hit on the first Talk with his story of surviving a heart attack from Bartonella, that Dr. Jess had to have him back for a full discussion on Covid and its treatment options. What has he seen as a pharmacist? What works and what is a myth? You cannot miss the information-packed Talk full of censored topics!
Learning Objectives:
- Learn the risk factors for Covid plus modalities that work
- Understand the risks and benefits of HCQ and Ivermectin
- Name the preventative measures that might be able to save you from a severe Covid case.