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Dr. Jessica Peatross
Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker. @drjessmd
Dr. Maya Shetreat
Neurologist herbalist astrologer bridging science and sacred, founder of terrain institute, author of best selling book The Dirt Cure
In this Wellness plus episode, Dr. Jess vibes out with Dr. Maya Shetreat, author, neurologist and medicine woman, and learns all about how we can learn to change and be open-minded, no matter the age. Dr. Shetreat shows us how the brain is connected, plasticity is real and we can grow and expand by learning new tricks.
In this Talk, you’ll learn:
- Who is Dr. Shetreat and how she is qualified to tell us all about the brain
- Neuroplasticity and how to tap in
- Ways to reconnect to nature, the divine, and heal the flight or fight response.