Nervous system dysregulation and mental health problems, leading to anxiety and depression, are becoming increasingly common in today’s modern society. Once our we are out of balance, our bodies slowly start to follow suit. Being easily frightened or surprised, reacting out of fear, not being able to sit still, not breathing correctly or taking a breath before you speak, and having difficulty sitting with your thoughts or meditation are signs that your nervous system may be out of balance. This can eventually lead to diagnosed depression and anxiety.
It is tough today to balance the autonomic nervous system between flight or fight and rest and digest. Most of us are imbalanced in GO GO GO state all the time and rarely value the pause.
It can be hard to unwind and figure out the root cause, usually toxins, and trauma. In this protocol, we try to challenge how the brain fires and wires. It is the hardest thing to do—change how you think and do things. But we do, in part, have control over our thoughts and therefore, our mental health.