MC-BAB-3® is formulated for Babesia. If you are struggling with Babesia symptoms, Dr Jess recommends rotating through IS BAB and MC-BAB 1, 2, and 3. This product is strong so start slow and work your way up. MC-BAB-3™ was designed to support the immune function of those coping with vector-borne illness.*
MC-BAB-3™ does not replace MC-BAB-1™ or MC-BAB-2™.* MC-BAB-3™ may be used with other Core Immune Support formulas. While taking MC-BAB-3™, the concurrent use of TOX-EASE BIND™ combined with either the TOX-EASE GL™ , COGNEASE DETOX™, or TOX-EASE™ formula to support detoxification is highly recommended.* This may assist in eliminating significant Herxheimer reactions.*
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