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Hidden Toxins

All courses tagged with Hidden Toxins

Prerequisite: Drainage Pathways

We are exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals each and every day. Our bodies are beautifully designed to deal with those exposures as long as the detox pathways are functioning properly. When these pathways are restricted, health complications can occur. An understanding of these detoxification pathways and how to keep them maintained is the goal of this course.

Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Environmental Toxicities: Why Should I Care?

Clearly, some of the most fundamental resources to our survival, air, and water are often the leading sources of exposure to toxins in the daily life of millions of people. Understanding what toxins can be present in the air and water, the sources of these toxins, and how best to avoid them are discussed in this course, as well as how many buildings and homes can make and/or keep us sick.

Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd



$20 off your first month

Identify & address the underlying causes of chronic health conditions