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Sunday, November 6th 2022 10:00am 7 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

Winter is coming soon along with the usual flu and cold season. And, it seems as if many of us are struggling with severe sniffles meaning that our immune systems appear to be weaker.

Each day, we come into contact with thousands of bacteria. Not all of these microbes are pathogens. In fact, many help to keep us healthy, as our body needs to be exposed to germs for it to build up an effective defense system.

While many of us are out of lockdowns and getting out and about, we may still have weakened immune systems. So it seems as though our immune systems are in need of a little boost. For years, scientists have been investigating the best natural ways to support our immune function- but could CBD be the answer?

Endocannabinoids and your immune system

Your immune system is your body’s defense mechanism. It strives to keep us safe by fighting off bacteria, viruses, and other biological threats. Without our immune system, these daily invaders could be deadly.

Immune cells are responsible for recognizing foreign bodies. They can be split into two categories: phagocytes, which engulf and break down invaders, and lymphocytes, which learn to recognize invaders in order to swiftly destroy them in the future.

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Identify & address the underlying causes of chronic health conditions