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Three Areas in Life to Optimize Especially When Healing From Chronic Disease

Wednesday, May 31st 2023 3:00pm 6 min read
Dr. Natalia Subirats Duran dr.nataliasubirats

Licensed medical doctor and naturopathic doctor specializing in fertility, endometriosis and more. Hablo español!

Are you considering how to optimize your health? Do you suffer from a chronic disease that greatly limits your quality of life? Perhaps you don’t have the means to be able to afford a thousand supplements and a thousand tests?

In this article I will go over three lifestyle essentials that can result in huge improvements in health. I always emphasize that if we want to be healthy, we have to go back to the basics, knowing how to listen to what our body is asking, and knowing how to give it what it needs. And remembering that this isn’t an instant fix, it is a lifestyle and people often will see results within a few months. I usually recommend for people to make these changes everyday for at least 3 months to see lasting changes. Remember, there are many types of intelligence, but for me the key to success is not how smart you are, but how consistent you can be with taking care of yourself, because consistency, dear reader, is where power is.

Ok, here we go!

First: Align your schedule and lifestyle to support a healthy circadian rhythm.

Due to advancements in technology and evolution, we currently find ourselves in an age of convenience: we live in houses that have heating and air conditioning, we cook food on electric stoves or those that require a simple dial to start a flame. We can have most that we need delivered to our doorsteps. Yet our genetics are not that different from our ancestors who lived very different lives.

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