Discover if you’ve been exposed to mycotoxins from toxic mold with the most comprehensive panel of molds and associated mycotoxins.
The Mycotoxins panel is the most comprehensive panel of molds and their associated mycotoxins available. Water-damaged buildings are commonplace, but an under-recognized source of illness and inflammatory disease for many individuals. Mycotoxin-related symptoms may include memory problems, increased allergies, sinus problems, stubborn weight, insomnia, mental health symptoms, fatigue, food and chemical sensitivities, and many more. With one simple test, find out if exposure to mold in your food or environment may be at the root of your health problems.
The Mycotoxins panel is designed to test for exposure to many different fungal mold pathogens and their mycotoxins, which are known to cause inflammatory diseases and conditions in humans. Consider the Mycotoxins panel if you have been exposed to a water damaged building, such as at home, work, or other frequently visited places; have been exposed to higher mold foods such as grains, peanuts, dairy products, beer, and wine; or have been exposed to high concentrations of mold spores in your environment for any other reason. Common symptoms may include recurring nasal/sinus irritation, upper respiratory symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms, neurological and mood changes, problems with memory and word recall, insomnia, anxiety, and fatigue.
Dr. Jess created a very special opportunity on her subscription platform where, as a member, you gain access to affordable and convenient lab testing when you need it, no questions asked. No interest financing over 2 months is available on purchases of $400 or more through After Pay during checkout.
Full testing is available in all 50 states.
Only saliva and urine testing are available in Denmark and Spain.
Testing isn’t available in Brazil, Croatia, Russia, Malaysia, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Serbia, Panama, and Peru.
Your results will also explain what these levels may indicate, as well as the next steps you may want to consider. The results of this test do not diagnose a disease or condition, nor do they recommend a specific medication or treatment. It is recommended you share positive results with your health care provider to discuss if additional screening is needed, as it is possible for a false positive test for Lyme disease to occur due to other bacterial infections mistakenly being reported as a positive Lyme antibody test. Also, if your symptoms persist but you tested negative for Lyme disease, you may have tested too soon after you were bitten for your body to have produced enough antibodies to be detectable. Your healthcare provider may recommend testing again if you are symptomatic.
Sample Type: Urine
Code: Discount code is only available for members