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Dr. Jessica Peatross
Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.
dr.jess.md @drjessmd
Dr. Jaban Moore
Respected chiropractic doctor, owner of Redefining Wellness. Trained functional blood, thyroid, brain chemistry and with top Lyme and parasitology experts.
drjabanmoore @drjabanmoore
In this Talks episode, Dr. Jess interviews her friend and colleague, Dr. Jaban Moore, an expert in Lyme and parasites. Dr. Jaban had his own scare with Lyme in his 20s and this propelled him to learn more about WHY and HOW his root cause was missed.
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- What is Lyme and how is so stealthy
- How does it present and what to look for, since it is the great mimicker
- What lifestyle changes it takes to heal
- What solutions you can use to understand your body and find a practitioner who does too