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Five Surprising Causes of Fatigue

Tuesday, May 17th 2022 10:00am 3 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

Our modern world gives us much to worry about. We work long hours and typically fail to get enough sleep. Eating three meals a day is an old tradition that is rarely followed. Life stress exhausts the mind and body with issues like memory loss, insomnia, anxiety, fear, and depression becoming quite common. It’s known as fatigue.

Most of us in western society believe that getting more sleep is the answer to fatigue, but actually, we need to make several changes to combat chronic fatigue. Fatigue has many root causes, so you need to understand what type of fatigue you are experiencing in order to find the right remedy.

Fatigue due to an imbalanced diet

This fatigue is caused by an improper diet consumed over lengthy periods. It may be that you are consuming the wrong food or not including healthy options. The result is nutritional imbalance and health problems. Many Americans have nutritional deficiencies in many essential minerals and vitamins.

An ancient Chinese medical book—Huangdi Neijing talks about the importance of a balanced diet and how to combine different types of food in a balanced way.

The book says, “The five grains are the main sources for growth; the five fruits provide complementary nourishment; the five livestock are the main sources of energy; and the five vegetables are the main sources of supplement. The intake of them combined in a balanced way will help the body stay healthy and energetic.”

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